Mother's Day Gift Ideas

At times shopping for Mother's Day gifts can be a challenge. It's not always easy to determine exactly what type of gift to give to the various types of moms in our lives. The one thing you should keep in mind is the gift should be thoughtful and personalized to the recipients taste. If you are not sure what your mom enjoys, just go on a little snooping mission, and dig around to find out her likes and dislikes. This way no matter what you choose you'll be closer to getting it right rather than getting it all wrong. Here are a few suggestions that might help you along the way:

Purchase gifts that a mom-to-be can use during her pregnancy such as body butters for the tummy and luxury body care items that can bring the spa to mom. Giver her a gift that pampers her so that she can enjoy a bit of ‘me’ time before the baby arrives.

The Mother In-Law
Your mother in-law's gift should be heartfelt but also a little whimsical to add a personal touch that will make her feel loved. Fun ways to do this is by channeling her favorite inner celeb and gift her favorite fragrance from her favorite celebrity!

Step Mom
Show her you care by giving her something she can show off.  Opt for a piece of jewelry or an item that she can actually use is a great choice.

Brand New Mom
Joining the Moms Club for the very first time can take a bit of adjusting. Give her a gift that will arm her with tools to deal with rude people and their sometimes inappropriate questions, and unwelcome advice. My new book Let Crazy Be Crazy can do just that!

Valentines Day Gift Ideas Based on the Length of Your Relationship

The key to a great Valentines Day gift is to select a gift that is a perfect fit based on the length of your relationship. What you give will say quite a bit about what the person means to you. An extravagant gift too early could send the recipient running, and an everyday-run-of-the-mill gift within the confines of a long-term relationship can hurt a romance. 

Now, if you have not been dating your partner very long and you’re not sure if you are doing a gift exchange – the best thing to do is ask. Don’t assume anything, otherwise, you could end up making the other person feel uncomfortable. It does not take much to have a simple no pressure conversation about how to handle this “day for lovers”. At the end of the conversation you will both be clear on what to expect.

One month or less
A simple card (watch what you say – don’t over do the mushy stuff. It is too early).

3 to 6 Months

  • Specialty baked goods such as brownies cookies

  • Candy still works (make it something exotic or interesting)

  • Journals or stationary

  • Books

  • Music

  • Instructional CD’s (Be mindful of the type of self-help CD choice, you don’t want to seem like you are trying to ‘fix’ the other person).

6 Months or more

  • Picture frames (with pictures of the two of you)

  • Any type kind of gift that reflects something special (a specific place or activity) you’ve experienced during relationship.

  • Gift cards with meaning (someplace or something you KNOW they’ll really enjoy)

1-Year or more

  • Jewelry (men and women)

  • Clothing

  • Cuff links

  • Jewelry (did I already say that? Okay well then yeah after a year it’s time for some bling!)